

The pilot program linked Ravenscroft high school juniors with students in the 舒福德创业项目 this semester; leaders hope to expand the program to other schools.

Shuford mentees from Ravenscroft学校 pose on the steps of Gardner Hall with Shuford senior Michael Sisson (top right) after completing their five-week 导师hip program.

今年春天, 舒福德创业项目 推出了一个试点的舒福德师徒计划与合作伙伴 Ravenscroft学校 在罗利. The Shuford Mentorship Program connected UNC Shuford students with Ravenscroft Upper School juniors to develop a 导师hip relationship, further the students’ entrepreneurial education and share more about the transition to college life.

The program was designed by Shuford senior Michael Sisson and Shuford advisory board member Kathleen Malik. Both Sisson and Malik have a vested interest in the Shuford Program and Ravenscroft学校. 除了他们在卡罗莱纳的角色, Sisson于2019年毕业于Ravenscroft, 马利克目前有两个孩子在这所学校上学.

The 舒福德创业项目 empowers students to turn ideas and inspiration into action by understanding the basic principles of entrepreneurship. 通过辅修创业学, students also develop self-confidence by practicing soft skills and interacting in team environments, and they gain entrepreneurial experience by engaging with practicing entrepreneurs.

Sisson, 转到卡罗莱纳的学生, discovered the Shuford Program when he enrolled in “ECON 125: Introduction to 创业” during his first semester in fall 2020, 他很快就太阳城娱乐自己在学术上有多大的潜力, professionally and personally grow by pursuing the entrepreneurship minor.

“Shuford offers a practical curriculum taught by professors of the practice who bring their real-world experience to the classroom. 那段经历对我的教育很有价值, 我知道这将为我未来的成功奠定基础,西森说.

Sisson joined the ECON 125 teaching team as a teaching assistant and the Shuford Ambassadors during his junior year at Carolina. He then was selected as the first student liaison to the Shuford Program Advisory Board during the summer of 2022, 在那里他遇到了马利克, 他们很快太阳城娱乐了他们与雷文斯克罗夫特的共同联系.

Malik proposed the idea of creating a 导师hip program with Ravenscroft and Shuford students to help them learn more about entrepreneurship and increase high schoolers’ excitement about attending college.

“We wanted to create a program where Ravenscroft juniors could visit Carolina’s campus a few times and see what it’s like to be a Shuford student by attending Shuford classes, 与导师互动, 并进一步发展他们的创业热情,西森说.

Both Shuford and Ravenscroft students applied to participate in the Shuford Mentorship Program. This semester’s cohort consisted of 10 Ravenscroft juniors and nine Shuford students. They were paired based on professional and personal interests and remained in the same pairings throughout the programming.

在春季学期, Ravenscroft students visited Carolina’s campus three times and attended two virtual meetings with their 导师. The 导师 and mentees participated in a networking workshop hosted by Shuford Program Executive Director Bernard Bell, and they also attended the ECON 125 and ECON 393 “创业 Capstone” classes.

在整个项目中, Ravenscroft students worked on a capstone project to create a personal brand and website. Sisson explained the idea behind this project: “We wanted the students to have a tangible takeaway from the program — something to complement the soft skills they would develop over the five weeks.”

Sisson继续, “One of the most useful projects I completed during my time in Shuford was the personal branding project in Chris Mumford’s ‘Principles of 创业’ course. 那是我第一次审视自己, figured out who I am and how I wanted to portray myself to anyone I meet.”

The 导师hip capstone project entailed creating a personal logo, website, résumé and LinkedIn page. 拉文斯克罗夫特学院的学生还拍摄了一段“起源故事”视频, where they spoke about who they are and what they hope to accomplish in the future. The capstone projects were presented on the final day of the program to Shuford faculty, 导师, advisory board members and Ravenscroft学校 administration and faculty members.

“I would have loved an opportunity before applying to colleges where I could look at everything I was involved with and figure out what message I wanted to portray in my application essays and résumé,西松指出. “我们希望让学员在未来的努力中取得成功, 就像舒福德项目为学生所做的那样.”

成功完成试点学期, Sisson, Malik and Shuford leaders hope to grow the Shuford Mentorship Program in the coming semesters.

“我们很乐意继续与Ravenscroft合作, 同时扩展到三角地区服务不足的学校,西森说. “There is so much possibility to develop bright high schoolers’ entrepreneurial passions, 舒福德希望为他们提供这样的机会.”